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Oct 26 2004

Clearing Floats: The FnE Method

When it comes to laying out pages in CSS/XHTML, I have always leaned towards the float method rather than position. But there’s always that issue of clearing your floats. It wasn’t until recently I discovered a little trick to avoid extraneous markup for the sole purpose of clearing floated elements. I call it the Float (Nearly) Everything Method.

Below is an example of a floated div inside another div, the floated element containing more content than its parent.

Note: I am using inline styles for this example, so feel free to peek under the hood to see what’s going on.

border:1px solid #333; width:300px; background:#EEE; float:left; display:inline; margin-right:20px;

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin elementum consequat nulla. Proin pulvinar luctus magna. In molestie, arcu at posuere lacinia, leo dui bibendum augue, sit amet ultrices lacus diam id purus. Pellentesque ac arcu in tortor consectetuer ullamcorper.

border:1px solid #666; width:700px; padding:20px;

Praesent ut nulla non lorem sagittis vehicula. Nulla sed felis. Phasellus purus. Ut blandit enim ac ipsum.

What you will see in most browsers (save IE) is the content in the child div flows over the parent. But watch what happens when I add a simple float declaration to the parent div.

border:1px solid #333; width:300px; background:#EEE;float:left; display:inline; margin-right:20px;

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin elementum consequat nulla. Proin pulvinar luctus magna. In molestie, arcu at posuere lacinia, leo dui bibendum augue, sit amet ultrices lacus diam id purus. Pellentesque ac arcu in tortor consectetuer ullamcorper.

border:1px solid #666; width:700px; padding:20px; float:left;

Praesent ut nulla non lorem sagittis vehicula. Nulla sed felis. Phasellus purus. Ut blandit enim ac ipsum.

Magic. The floated parent div expands to enclose the floated child div.

The result of this, however, is that the ‘grandparent’ element of the nested div will not expand to enclose the parent element, unless it too is floated, or there is another element beneath it given a clear declaration. Hence the naming of this method, Float (Nearly) Everything.

In almost all my pages I use a div#wrapper to encase all the content. Many times this is centered, so floating that element is out of the question. However, anything inside it is usually fair game, unless I know there aren’t going to be any floated elements inside it. Typically, the only place I usually don’t have floats is in the footer of the document. So, I can simply add clear:both; to the #footer, and float everything else inside the div#wrapper.

View the Demo

So there it is. Clearing floats with no extra markup in the XHTML document. Sure, it takes a little more tweaking, and maybe a few CSS hacks, but at least all the presentation data is left in the CSS file, and no <br class="clear" /> in sight.