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Ordered List


Sep 26 2011

Share Presentations without the Mess

Around a year ago, tired of posting our presentations to the ad-cluttered and flash-ridden SlideShare, we started hacking on Speaker Deck.

Our focus at Ordered List is simplicity and beauty. We asked ourselves, what is the most simple way to share a presentation? The answer we kept coming back to was a collection of images. This is exactly what Speaker Deck is.

Simply upload a PDF, which every presentation software worth a dime can export as, and we turn it into a collection of images.

We then wrap those images in a beautiful interface that allows you to easily preview and navigate.

Focus on the Presentation

As you can see from the screen shot above, on Speaker Deck the focus of the presentation page is, well, the presentation. It is large and in charge.

For You, By Us

We built Speaker Deck for ourselves, but we have some great news. As of today, Speaker Deck is free and open to all.

We promise that we will never clutter your presentations with ads and we will do our best to keep it free and simple to upload and share your presentations without the mess.

For now, we will include tasteful advertisements for our own products, Harmony and At some point, we may allow others to advertise, but we promise to always keep it tasteful.

A Big Thanks

Finally, we had a lot of help from over a hundred private beta users. Their patience and feedback as we hammered out some issues was absolutely priceless. If you were one of them, thank you.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for an account, start sharing presentations, and let us know what you think.