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Ordered List


Jun 4 2008

Welcome John Nunemaker

It’s my pleasure to introduce John Nunemaker as the second member of Ordered List. As a former coworker at Notre Dame, it’s wonderful to have him join me as a business partner and experienced developer.

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Site Redesign

In an effort to distinguish Ordered List as a former one-man-show, I felt a redesign was in order. Not a big departure from the previous, but different enough to highlight our expanded service offerings, and unique personalities.

Additional Content

Not only will this addition allow for more work to be done for our clients, but will also allow us to collaborate on ideas for blog posts, tutorials, screen-casts, and more. In addition to this new upcoming content, John already has a collection of articles and references at his two websites Addicted To New and Rails Tips.

Future Plans

We plan to take full advantage of John’s wealth of experience in Rails development and content management to make some pretty awesome tools and applications. But just as much as I look forward to the work we’ll do, I’m excited to have another like-minded developer on board to help develop ideas and discuss issues.

I hope you’ll join me in welcoming John aboard.