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Sep 1 2008

Harmony: Signup and Cost

I don’t know about you but I like to try before I buy. That is why signing up for Harmony will require no payment details. Provide us with a bit of information and you’ll be on your way to the administration area where you can take our baby for a spin.

What exactly are we requiring? All we want to know is who you are and how you would like to login. We have two login options, email with a password or OpenID. Steve and I are both fans of OpenID, so it’s important to us to allow you to use it from the start. The main goal of the signup page was to make it as simple and quick to complete as possible. Below is a screenshot of a piece of the signup form in it’s current state.


Once you have created your account, you’ll be taken to your account’s administration area, where you can start adding sites and users. One of the cool things that we’ve talked about is not charging a dime until a site goes live. Think about it. Administration area use won’t really cost us money, so why should we charge you for it? What will cost us money is the infrastructure and programming necessary to make sure the site you have created is available and speedy once you make it public.

What Will It Cost?

The cat is out of the bag. We are going to charge money for the hard work we put into Harmony. How much? We don’t know yet, but we promise it will be reasonable. Based on experience, we know it can be difficult managing the infrastructure an application like this requires, so the balance is what makes it worth the effort for us and affordable for you.

That is all for this week. Next week we will share what we have done with users. We are taking a bit of a different spin than some applications, so it should start some interesting discussions. That said, don’t feel you have to wait until next week to let loose with some feedback.