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Ordered List


Jun 7 2004

Irony and Progress

OK, I realize the irony of my last post, and the fact that it has taken me this long to post again. But I promise that it is not without reason.

First off, I have been sick the past few days. Not sick enough to not go to work, or to stay in bed and recover, just sick enough to completely eliminate my motivation to do anything by lay around and do nothing.

In a few moments of inspiration, however, I have taken the chance to continue project orderedCart, which is getting a new name and an initial features list. This will be edited and proofed by my team of 4 (more details on them later), and once the concept has been in place, I will post all the info I can right here.

In other news, I’ve picked up a fun little freelance job I’ll let you know about once it’s finished. Should be pretty neat. So anyway, stay tuned, I promise that now I’ll start to post more often. Really.