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Sep 5 2005

Launch: Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters

It’s finally time to reveal a project I, and the Notre Dame Web Group, have been working on for so long. I would like to introduce the brand new Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters web site. The site is a compilation of effort from our entire team, as well as key personnel in Arts and Letters, and has been in the works for over 14 months. I’m proud of the work accomplished by all the members of our team including direction, project management, writing, and development.

A huge amount of technology and planning went into this site, and it is one of the largest I have ever worked on. The administrators for Arts and Letters are to be congratulated for putting their full trust in our team and our standards-based methodology. They trusted us to develop a site they could be proud of, and the result is one of the most advanced sites in the entire University, and, what I believe, one of the best sites among their global University peers.

Our group has accomplished so much at Notre Dame, but there is so much more to do. The University is fully behind us in our support for web standards, our desire to incorporate integrated marketing, and our requirement of top-notch quality. If you appreciate the commitment of the Arts and Letters administration to deliver world-class marketing technology, contact them and let them know their undertaking has not gone unnoticed or unrealized.

I am so happy to see this site launched, and I hope you enjoy.