Ordered List Acquired by GitHub
I’m excited to announce that as of today, the team at Ordered List officially joins GitHub in its quest to build the best developer tools in the world. We’re bringing along our talent, our passion, and our products (Speaker Deck, Gaug.es, and Harmony). And we couldn’t be more excited about our future together.
Why Join GitHub?
For one, we truly believe that GitHub is one of the best software companies in the world. They’ve surrounded themselves with the best people in the industry, and we’re honored to be working along side them.
But even more importantly, we’ll be able to focus 100% on making our products, and GitHub as a whole, as simple and beautiful as we can. This has been our mission for the past 2 years, and now more than ever it can become a reality.
What Happens to Ordered List?
The most prominent change will be the end of our client-service business. We’ll be working solely on our products, and new challenges at GitHub. Our team will stay together as a unit, continuing to build great software. We’ll also have the expertise of the rest of the amazing team at GitHub to help us solve software problems like never before.
What Happens to Your Products?
GitHub cares about their customers, and they care about ours as well. For the short term, it means that not much will change at all. In fact, it means better, more frequent updates and feature additions, more stability, and even better support.
For the long term, just as before, we will continue to evolve our products to best meet the needs of the market and our business.
The Past and the Future
It was just a few weeks shy of 5 years ago that I started Ordered List as my full-time consultancy. I’m proud of what it’s become, and what we’ve built. And I’m proud to join forces with GitHub. Here’s to the future!