Welcome Jon Hoyt
It is our pleasure to introduce Jon Hoyt as the third member of Ordered List. As often as he works out of our office, some may have thought he was already working with us.
Jon was formerly a partner in a successful IT consultancy, but lately has felt his passions swing towards the software side of things. He started building applications for clients and, most recently, has been helping us get Speaker Deck off the ground.
Steve and I decided from the beginning that we did not want to hire simply because of work load. Instead, when opportunities arise to work with people we want to work with, we will find the work for them. Jon is the first instance of this. He expressed interest in doing something new and we were more than happy to figure out how to make it happen.
In fact, we get along with Jon so well that sometimes we dress like twins. Please take note of the juxtaposition of Jon’s hair and my beard in the picture below as well.
Improving Harmony Support
One of the most exciting aspects of adding Jon is his background in customer service. From the beginning we were really impressed with his patience and timeliness as he supported the customers at his previous job.
While Steve and I love helping our customers, occasionally we let things slip through the cracks. Part of Jon’s new role is being a first responder for Harmony ensuring this does not happen. This means Harmony support will be even better than it is now. Great news!
Please join us in welcoming Jon aboard.