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Dec 13 2006

WP Tiger Administration v3.0

A complete redesign has pushed WordPress Tiger Admin into version 3. It boasts a more streamlined design, better plugin compatibility, and general all-around goodness.

Tiger Admin Version 3

Stop on by the plugin page to grab your copy. I’m very happy with the changes that were made. It’s taking on much more of my style, while leaving in a little OS X feel to it.

If you’re wondering, I’m not planning on continuing with the old design. It’s hard enough keeping up with the changing markup and popular plugins with one design, let alone with two. Although I won’t be updating them, I have posted links to the older versions on the plugin page in the version history.

I hope you enjoy the new version. Let me know if you find any weirdness.

Also, if you’re so inclined, you can digg this post to help spread the word.

Screenshot credit on the new Tiger Admin page goes to Tony Gumbel and Julian Bennett Holmes