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Aug 2 2005

Innovation, Progress, and Imagination

Change is inevitable. One can only hope that it is progressive. In my line of work I have to constantly wonder “What am I going to have to learn next?” The web industry in general moves very quickly, and if you don’t keep up with it, it can leave you behind the learning curve very fast. If you don’t progress in your field, you end up sticking to your old habits, relying on them, and even defending them while newer and better methods emerge.

Jul 8 2005

This Thing Here

Jun 28 2005


In front of all I will declare
Upon your padded seat I swear.
To sit is such a fine affair.
O how I love thee, office chair.

Jun 16 2005

Web Developer Opening

Jun 3 2005

SAJAX ColdFusion POST Request Method

I’ve been working on a project of late using hefty portions of AJAX. Given that much of the scripting environment at Notre Dame is ColdFusion, I have been making good use of SAJAX.