Oct 22
I am proud to announce my entry in to the CSS Zen Garden has been accepted. Ordered Zen was actually completed a few months ago, but was just added to ‘The Garden’ yesterday. Why does this make me so happy? Well, besides the obvious honor of being placed in such a useful and admired collection, allow me to give you a little background.
Oct 9
Sep 30
I’m very much a fan of Wordpress. I’ve installed it for a number of friends and clients. But if you’re a fan of neat, clean and tidy PHP code, just don’t look under the hood. SHIVER. I understand the difficulties of working on such a complex application with multiple developers, but there’s got to be some way that these people can stick to a few simple coding standards, whatever those standards might be.
Sep 28
The goal of using CSS in our web pages is to more cleanly separate presentation from structure. But if our CSS files are too large and/or messy, it would seem that all we’re doing is taking the presentation out of the XHTML and dumping in on the floor. No real rhyme or reason, just a bunch of presentation information to wade through. While I am no expert on the full and complete use of CSS, I thought I’d share a few tips on how I learned to keep my CSS a little more organized and easily editable.
Sep 16