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Mar 26 2010

Lessons Learned Bootstrapping Harmony

Over the course of the past year and a half, we have learned a lot through building and releasing Harmony. I thought it might be helpful to reflect on what we have learned thus far and share those lessons with you.

Feb 3 2010

Stop Being an Idiot

I hear this phrase a lot, and even recently, out of my own mouth: “Users are stupid, so we have to dumb this down to the lowest common denominator.” Stop it. Just stop it.

Jan 12 2010

Stop Blogging

I mean it. All of you people are writing fantastic, useful articles about code, methods, and technologies, but you’re putting them in blog posts — a date-based format that encourages us to leave things as they were, historically.

Jan 7 2010

A New Look, a New CMS

We’ve been focusing our efforts on building Harmony the past few months, but we recently carved out some time to give our site some much needed love and attention.

Oct 24 2008


Yesterday some friends from Holland, MI came down to hang out with Steve and I all day. They started a project called Yard Vote about a month ago and we decided to help them give the application some upgrades.