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Ordered List


May 2 2011

Welcome Matt Graham

I’m excited to announce the fifth member of Ordered List, designer Matt Graham. Matt brings a world of talent in graphic design and user interface, and is a welcome addition to the design side of the company.

Mar 1 2011

Today we launched our latest product, is a hosted application that tracks your web traffic in real-time and displays it in a simple, gorgeous interface.

Feb 21 2011

Design, Focus, and Constraints

We’ve been busy lately at Ordered List. The past 4 weeks have seen the start, and near first-draft completion of our newest application, Gauges. It was a unique design challenge that really got me thinking about designing for usage, not just the content.

Jan 3 2011

2011 Redesign

A new year, a new design. Interestingly enough, this redesign wasn’t because I got tired of the last one. It was because, with the addition of Hoyt and Brandon, I wanted to refocus the priorities of the site.

Dec 27 2010


The end of 2010 brings me to think about what Ordered List has been, and what it’s becoming. It’s been nearly four years since I started out on my own. And this milestone aligns with another, the arrival of our fourth team member.